Hi everyone~
After yesterdays downer of a post.... so sorry about that... sometimes it just gets to me...
Anyway... Today was a great beach day...here's some pictures...
Monday, August 10, 2009
Beach Day...
Posted by Vicki at 9:23 PM 2 comments
Sunday, August 9, 2009
He's off....
Hi Loved Ones..
I dropped David off at camp today at noon for 2 whole weeks. Part of me is jumping up and down doing the Happy Dance! I have 2 WHOLE weeks free of David and his issues..
Then there is the other part of me...
The part who got a lump in her throat saying goodbye to him for 2 whole weeks...
The part who wishes that his life was easier... that I didn't so DESPERATELY NEED these 2 weeks break as part of my survival with this damned syndrome.... hell.. I have never sent ANY of my other kids away for 2 weeks.... actually.. I am getting ready to send Alex off to college in 3 weeks and I don't think HE has ever spent 2 whole weeks away from us.. so why is this break so needed????
David is high maintenance... always has been. Probably always will be. His very existence revolves around how many buttons he can push in a day... in an hour... in 15 minutes... you get the picture right? He isn't happy unless there is turmoil.. he can't enjoy a day at the beach... he is ALWAYS worried about what is next... NEXT ACTIVITY... NEXT FOOD OPPORTUNITY... NEXT OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE SOMEONE LIFE DIFFICULT.. this is our reality with him and with PWS... it is not like that with the other 2... I'm not sure why.. but they are both so easy comparatively!!
By this point in the summer I am ready for the week break... ready for not dealing with his issues for 2 weeks... ready to go park my ass in the sand at the beach and not be nagged to death about "what is next" It's hard to explain... part of me feels like a part of me is missing with him gone for 2 whole weeks... and part of me (possibly a bigger part) is so thankful for the break that I feel guilty for how much I am looking forward to it.
I know he is well taken care of at camp..... I know he has a blast... I know that he probably misses us but is enjoying his break from us... BUT....
I still feel that pang of guilt that I can't provide the structure he needs...
That I am really looking forward to NOT dealing with him and all his issues for 2 whole weeks
Ok.....not sure where this post is going.... so here are a few pictures from today....
Everyone at camp welcoming the campers!
Posted by Vicki at 9:09 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Playing "Catch Up!!"
Hi All!
I'm not really sure where the summer has gone, but I already feel like it is slipping away faster than I can possibly enjoy it!
The Knopf Family has been on the go this summer... we had Dave's parents here back in June for the big GRADUATION WEEK.... Alex Graduated from High School: As seemed to be the case every single time we had something to do outside this spring/summer... it rained. So the pictures are not great... I was trying to keep the camera dry but still get a few shots..
Alex right after getting his diploma!
Alex with his Grandparents!
Then on Saturday we had a big family party to celebrate both graduations.. I got a few pictures in before... well... it ummm.... RAINED again. When I tell you it rained... I mean down poured! It went from being a nice sunny afternoon to a monsoon in the matter of a couple of hours!! But we made the best of it anyway...
Here are some of the guys playing a game of horseshoes...Dave spent the week putting the pits in!
Dave's Dad and Uncle with David
That next Monday we went to Alex's college orientation for the day... I can't believe in a few short weeks he is going off to college!! I am going to miss him so much! It is exciting to be getting him ready to go, and the nice thing is that school is only about an hour away so I am sure we will see him often.
So... that was the month of June in a nutshell! I am working on a slide show of our summer vacation at the beach with Ben's birth family... There are too many pictures to share here, but I promise not to leave you hanging for a month before I get it on here. Here are a few "preview" pictures to get you by until I get them all organized:
Other than that, David started at his new school in July, they have a summer program, so its been nice that he has been able to get to know the teachers and some of the kids this summer. He leaves for camp for 2 whole weeks on Sunday, so I have to get him packed and ready to go.
Oh.. and the first night of football was last night...another season is officially underway!!!
Stay tuned for the vacation slide show... I promise to get it done by Friday!!!
Have a good week!
Posted by Vicki at 6:27 AM 0 comments